Retreats serve as a vital window where we can step away from the demands of modern life and focus fully on our own selves and our inner growth.
The format of a retreat creates a potent vessel that allows an individual, regardless of level or background, to dislodge entrenched patterns of thought.
John offers a variety of retreats catered to take the seeker deeper into their heart and devote all their energies to arrive at a state of inner openness, clarity and revelation.
Workshops offer a chance to take a closer look at the practices that sustain and make up the Ashtanga Yoga method. We spend time in the workshops diving deeper into the particulars of the practice, fine tuning specificities elements, and plunging into the theory and philosophy underlying the practice. Workshop content ranges from learning the details of the Vinyasa count, the emotional nature of backbends and transformative breath work practices, to name few. Join us as we pry open the practice and zoom in on what makes Yoga so powerful.
Online classes
Online classes provide a powerful way to work together and really feel the tangible connection of our hearts and minds beyond space and time. I truly feel that online classes are helping to create an interconnected grid and spread the vibration of yoga and peace throughout the global atmosphere in a subtle but tangible manner.
Weekly online classes include Mysore style Ashtanga classes, guided meditations and Breathwork classes and Satsangs. One-on-One mentoring and private yoga classes are also offered over the online platform.